Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Service in Kapkesiego

It is about 6:30 PM on Sunday afternoon and it is pouring rain!  The kids are loving it!

We have had a full day beginning about 9:30 this morning as  we traveled out into the villages around us.  Our destination was a small place  among the tea plants called Kapkesiego and a small church called Liberty Gospel Church.  Riding in a big four wheel  Range Rover with one of the missionary physician wives at the helm was rocky to say the least.  As I have said before, Kenyan tires are the toughest products around!  Through a ministry at Tenwek a family received a cow this morning during the service and so this was a celebration and praise service for this little church.  The  singing was marvelous with a men's chorus, womens chorus, a children's chorus as well as testimonies and a good sermon to boot!  Some of tunes were familiar, some not; but the joy was contagious. Truly the Lord was present!  We were asked to say a few words and brought greetings from our brothers and sisters at First Presbyterian in the U.S.  It means a great deal to them to know that they are thought of by fellow Christians.  It means a great deal to Dad and me that these Christians pray for us.

Another ministry which is growing by leaps and bounds is the Tabitha Womens Bible Study.  Branching out from Tenwek this bible study reaches over 1500 village women each week.  Imagine the impact this teaching is having on families in this area!  The ladies were interested to know that women in the U.S. are also are involved in Bible Study and that these studies cross denominational lines and bring Christians together in unity.  There was a great deal of talk in the testimonies that we are all one in Christ and how glorious it will be in heaven when skin tones and different languages will not divide us. How true!

It has been a blessed day.  I think I will tell Ernie that our services are way too short after the marathon today!

with love,
mom and dad
micki and marv


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